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Illustrated Hand -Washing Flier 

In light of the Pandemic and the development of any other infection or disease, we created this simple-to-follow-along flier with illustration so that families and children follow the most affective way to wash their hands. 

Believe it or not, being able to wash your hands properly plays a big role in the development of illnesses and infections. Hand-washing in the best way to prevent you from getting sick and infecting others.  According to the CDC, "washing hands with soap removes germs from hands, and helps battle the rise of antibiotic resistance."  We have a tendency to touch out face without even realizing, it allowing germs to get in through our eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs can also get into food, drinks, and objects from unwashed and dirty hands. Having said, the germs then get into your body and make you sick. As the CDC mentions, "removing germs through hand-washing therefore helps prevent diarrhea and respiratory infections and may even help prevent skin and eye infections."


In light of the Global Pandemic, it is crucially more important than ever to properly wash your hands so that you have less chances of contracting the virus.  Knowing the severity of the virus and how it is transmitted, we made a flier which is easy to follow with illustrations in Spanish so that the families and children in Oaxaca know how to most efficiently wash their hands. We provided illustrations which portray each step in the description so that families who may have member who are illiterate can also follow through and wash their hands properly. 
All of the steps followed CDC guidelines. 

As the CDC mentions, "teaching people the right way to wash their hands helps them and their communities stay healthy." That is what we strive to achieve with these fliers so that the communities in Oaxaca can have a useful resource to help prevent them from contracting the virus and other infections and illnesses.   
You can watch a video of a  member of the Vidas y Sueños Enlazados por Ayudar organization instructing a mother from the community Colonia Anáhuac how to properly wash her hands following the flier and using the soaps that we sent. 
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